Play Titles O

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Title . . . . . . . . . Year . . . . . . . . . Dramatist . . . . . . . . . Auspices
Octavia 1591 Anon. Christ Church, Oxford
Oedipus 1584 Gager Christ Church, Oxford
Oldcastle, Sir John (Chamberlain's) 1600 Anon. Hunsdon House
Oldcastle, Sir John, Part 2 (Admiral's) 1599 Drayton, Hathway, Munday, & R. Wilson Admiral's
Old Joiner of Aldgate, The 1603 Chapman Children of Paul's
Olympio and Eugenio 1595 Anon. Admiral's
Orator, The 1635 Massinger King's
Orestes 1568 Anon. Court
Orestes’ Furies 1599 Chettle & Dekker Admiral's
Orphans Tragedy, The 1599 (1601?) Chettle Admiral's
Ortenus (ghost) Unknown Unknown
Osric (Marshal Osric) 1602 Heywood & Went. Smith Worcester's
Owen Tudor 1600 Hathway, Munday, Drayton, & R. Wilson Admiral's
Owl, The 1614 Daborne Lady Elizabeth's

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