May-Game of Martinism, The

Nashe, Thomas (1589)

Historical Records

Nashe, Pasquil of England (1589)

Nashe, The First Part of Pasquil's Apology (1590)

If this peace wyll not be had at theyr handes, that haue so long troubled the Church of GOD among vs I cast then my Gauntlet, take it vp who dares, Martin or any other, that can drawe out any Quintessence of villanie beyoynde Martin, the cause shall not want a Champion.

I haue nowe gallopped the fielde to make choyse of the ground where my battaile shall be planted. And when I haue sent you the May-game of Martinisme, at the next setting my foote into the styroppe after it, the signet shall be giuen, and the fielde fought. Whatsoeuer hath beene written to any purpose of eyther side, shal be ledde out into the plaine, the foote men and horse, small shotte and artilerie shall be placed: euery troupe, wing and squadron ordered, and the banners displayed. Therwithall I will make both Armies meete, and the battaile ioyne, bullet to bullet, staffe to staffe, pyke to pyke, and sworde to sworde; the blowes dealt, and the breache made vpon the Puritanes shall be discouered, you shall see who be falne and who be fledde, what Captaines are slaine, and what Ensignes taken.

It shall be shewen howe like a good Generall the Archb. of Canterburie hath behaued himselfe with his battle-axe, and howe the braynes of Tho. Cartwright flye thys way and that way, battered and beaten out, euery bone in his bodie pittifullie broken, and his guttes trayling vpon the grounde: heere a legge, and there an arme, of his followers shall be gathered vppe, and the carkases of the deade, like a quarrie of Deare at a generall hunting, hurled vppon a heape. Wherein my Supplication shall be to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie at the end, that our Conquerors returning from the chace, may by vertue of her highnesse fauour and authoritie, holde still the honour which they haue wonne, and well deserued, in the seruice of GOD, and the crowne of England.

Therefore as the Reformer hath made proclamation for Armour and Munition, desiring you to help him to a booke of Church discipline, which he sayth was written in the dayes of King Edward the sixt, the Authors whereof, he sayth, were M. Cranmer, and Sir Iohn Cheeke. The like proclamation make I in his behalfe, because mine, peraduenture, will come to more handes then his. Furnish him I pray you, the better he is prouided, the greater honour it will be to ouerthrowe him. I would be glad he should haue it, (if there be any such) and sette downe what he can ere I come foorth againe, that I may driue all before me, and roote out the verie name of a Puritane from vnder heauen.

(sigs.D4v-E1r, via EEBO-TCP)

Lyly, Pap with a Hatchet (1589)

Nashe, Martins Months Minde (1589)

The passage commencing alongside the marginal note, "The true manner of old Martins death" reads:

After that old Martin, hauing taken a most desperate cause in hand, as the troubling of the State, and ouerthrowe of the Church, (both which attempts at once, Alexander the Copper Smith, that did Paule so much harme, would neuer haue aduentured; nor Herostratus, that burned Dianas temple, by many degrees came neere vnto) and being therfore (and well worthie) sundrie waies verie curst|lie handled; as first drie beaten, then whipt that made him winse, then wormd and launced, that he tooke verie grieuouslie, to be made a Maygame vpon the Stage , and so bangd, both with prose and rime on euerie side, as he knewe not which way to turne himselfe, and at length cleane Marde: the griefe whereof vext him out of all crie; and that if he were taken, it was to be feared he should be made a Bishop (of the fields) which name he neuer loued, and to weare a tippet, that he euer detested: but especiallie being drawne so drie (so as he could say no more,) in conclus. wherby his radicall moisture began to faile him, and his vitall powers in such sort to decaie, as he saw that he could not long continue; but especiallie, that his labours being so great, tooke none effect, but was termed, by some a Vice, by some a Viper, by some a Scismatique, by some a Traitor; and that euerie stage Plaier made a iest of him...

Nashe, Martins Months Minde, sigs.E3v-E4r; emphasis in bold added.

NB. A note in the margin along "to be made a Maygame" reads: "The Theater."

Theatrical Provenance

Children of Paul's, at the Theatre? (unacted?)

Probable Genre(s)


Possible Narrative and Dramatic Sources or Analogues

<Enter any information about possible or known sources. Summarise these sources where practical/possible, or provide an excerpt from another scholar's discussion of the subject if available.>

References to the Play

<List any known or conjectured references to the lost play here.>

Critical Commentary

Not in Harbage.

Wiggins 836 notes that Nashe's account of Martin's death uses the term "Maygame" but that the account was published too early (in August) to be a description of the play and is more likely the inspiration for the play's title. (It is curious, though, that the context, "made a Maygame vpon the Stage", sounds intuitively more like a reference to the play than an inspiration, as does the past-tense reference to every stage player having "made a iest of him").

For What It's Worth

<Enter any miscellaneous points that may be relevant, but don't fit into the above categories. This is the best place for highly conjectural thoughts.>

Works Cited

Nashe, Thomas. Martins months minde that is, a certaine report, and true description of the death, and funeralls, of olde Martin Marreprelate, the great makebate of England, and father of the factious. Contayning the cause of his death, the manner of his buriall, and the right copies both of his will, and of such epitaphs, as by sundrie his dearest friends, and other of his well willers, were framed for him. London, 1589. STC (2nd ed.) / 17452.

Site created and maintained by David McInnis, University of Melbourne; updated 21 March 2017.