Lost Plays Database:Years

Editors' note: In general, Harbage's Annals (see Works Cited) is the guide for the assignment of dates in the following pages, but scholarly research subsequent to Harbage has brought changes for various plays, as indicated by the entries for those plays.

Plays from 1602

Title Year Dramatist(s) Auspice(s)
Absalom 1602 Anon. Play Titles A
Albere Galles 1602 Heywood, Thomas, Smith, Wentworth Rose
As Merry as May Be 1602 Day, John, Hathway, Richard, Smith, Wentworth Fortune
Baxter's Tragedy 1602 Anon. Play Titles A Unknown
Bristow Tragedy 1602 Day, John Fortune
Capture of Stuhlweissenburg, The 1602 Heywood, Thomas, Smith, Wentworth Rose
Earl of Hertford, The 1602 Anon. Play Titles A

Previous records

We are in the process of tagging all Lost Plays with the correct data to display in the table above, but some entries will not yet be present, for which you can view the previous manual record of plays for 1602