Now lyk a Lorde this fellow stere can |
The lawe to defend without a fall |
For all theyr pledgyng in Westminster hall, |
Or lay what they wyll and bable there |
(p?)et mayntenaunce and I wyll kepe the chere |
If it come once to the countree |
Then as I wyll so shall it bee |
A very cause syrs why I hyde my name |
Was, they shuld not suspect my fame |
Because I wolde spy all theyr intent |
To chaunge theyr purpose after my iudgement |
And so wyll I do, for thys is theyr pretence |
By meane of Justice to brynge in experyence |
That peace shuld continew the people amonge |
And so by that meane to banysh mee wronge |
But trust me syrs I wyll none of that |
But rather by theyr faces I wyll them scrat |
And mee to mayntain in this opynion |
I haue an olde mate called Dyuycion |
That shalbe of my counsayle in thys case |
Whych I trust wyll not turne hys face |
Tyll Peace be dryuen clene from Albyon |
And then let Justyce and mee alone |
For I trust or he and I haue done |
He shall go whystle in a mary bone |
As for any ryghtfull iudgement |
That after this shall folow hys intent |
And now syrs will I goo my waye |
My felow to seke, fynde him if I may |
Here iniury goeth out, & then Diuilion cometh, |
in with a byll, a sword, a buckler, & a dagger. |
¶Haue in the ruske |
Out of the buske |
A lustye Captayne, |