Sir John Oldcastle, Part 2
Michael Drayton, Richard Hathaway, Anthony Munday, Robert Wilson (1600)
Historical Records
Henslowe's Diary, Payments
F. 65 (Greg I.113):
- this 16 of october 99
- Receved by me Thomas downton of phillipp
- Henchlow to pay mr monday mr drayton & mr wilsson
- & haythway for the first parte of the lyfe of
- Sr Jhon Ouldcasstell & in earnest of the
- Second parte for the vse of the compayny
- ten pownd J say receved ... 10li
F. 66v (Greg I.116)
- Receued of mr Henchlow for the vse
- of the Company to pay mr drayton
- for the second parte of SrJhon ould
- Casell foure pownd J say receud ... iiijli
- per me Thomas Downton
F. 68 (Greg I.119)
- dd vnto the littell tayller at the apoyntment
- of Robart shawe the 12 of marche 1599 to macke
- thinges for the 2 parte of owld castell some of ... xxxs
Theatrical Provenance
<Enter information about which company performed the play, and where/when it was performed, etc.>
Probable Genre(s)
<List possible genres of the play: if noted by a critic, cite them, e.g. "Comedy (Harbage)". If an original speculation, simply list the genre.>
Possible Narrative and Dramatic Sources or Analogues
John Foxe describes the execution of Sir John Oldcastle in Lincoln's Inn Fields in 1419 (Actes and Monuments... or Booke of Martyrs. The Variorum Edition. Sheffield: hriOnline, 2004. Web).
The Oxford DNB includes the life of Oldcastle.
References to the Play
<List any known or conjectured references to the lost play here.>
Critical Commentary
<Summarise any critical commentary that may have been published by scholars. Please maintain an objective tone!>
For What It's Worth
<Enter any miscellaneous points that may be relevant, but don't fit into the above categories. This is the best place for highly conjectural thoughts.>
Michael Drayton, Richard Hathaway, Anthony Munday, Robert Wilson
Works Cited
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