Play Titles B
(* = entry has been created for this title)
*Bad Beginning Makes a Good End, A
Baptism of Prince Henry, The
Barnado and Fiammetta
Battle of Hexham
Baxter’s Tragedy (Barkstead’s Tragedy)
Bear a Brain, or Better Late Than Never
Beauty and Housewifery
Beauty in a Trance
Believe it is So and ‘Tis So
Belinus, Brennus
Bellman of Paris
Bendo (or Byndo) and Richardo
Berowne (also Burone, & Biron)
*Black Bateman of the North, Parts 1 and 2
Black Dog of Newgate, Parts 1 and 2
Black Joan
Black Lady
*Blind Eats Many a Fly, The
Blind Beggar of Bednal Green (Tom Strowd), Parts 2 and 3
Bold Beauchamps
Bonos Nochios
Boss of Billingsgate, The
Branhowlte (Brunhild)
Bridegroom and Madman
Bristow Merchant
Bristow Tragedy
Broom-Man, The
Brothers, The
Brougham Castle Entertainment
Buck is a Thief
Buckingham’s Mask
Burbon (i.e. Bourbon?)
Burleigh Mask