Henry Oxinden's list (ca. 1663-65)
The following is a play list from the miscellany of Henry Oxinden of Barham, Kent, who recorded the titles of printed plays in his possession (Folger MS V.b.110).
Photograph by Brett Greatley-Hirsch; reproduced by permission of the Folger Shakespeare Library. See the full MS in the Folger's Digital Collections.
- Tragedy of Tancred & Gusman
- Miseries of enforced marriages
- Titus & Andronicus
- The Weakest goeth to the Wall
- Tragedy of Sophonisba.
- The famous history of Sr Tho Wyat
- The Alchemist
- Greenes Tu quoque
- Desperation of Spera 1581
- The merry [devil] of Edmonton. 1612.
- The dumb Kt. 1608
- If this be not a good play the [devil] is in it
- Tragedy of Dido 1594
- Tragedy of Ed: 2. by Chri Marlow. 1598 [manicle]
- Yorkshire Tragedy 1608
- Edward Longshankes 1593
- Hamlet Prince of Denmark 1603.
- Tragedy of Darius. 1603.
- Cornelia. 1594.
- A woman kild with kindnes by Tho: Heywood. 1607.
- Alphonsus K of Arragon. 1599.
- The battell of Alcazar in Barbary 1594 [manicle]
- Arden of Feuersham 1592
- Two Tragedies in one 1601.
- Cataline his conspiracy. 1611.
- 25
- Tragedy of Soliman & Perseda 1599
- A game of chess
- 3 London Ladies 1592.
- Albumazar. 1614.
- The Life & death of the Lord Cromwell 1613.
- The warres of Cyrus King of Persia. 1594.
- Loues mistris 1636.
- How to chuse a good wife from a bad 1630.
- Vittoria Corombona. 1612.
- The first part of K Ed
- The second part
- The insatiate Countess 1613. by John Marston
- The Spanish Tragedy 1615.
- The Palsgraue 1615
- Richard the second by Shakesphere 1615.
- The Story of K. Darius 1565
- 16
- The faithfull Shepherdess John Fletcher
- Westward Hoe by Tho: Decker & John Webster 1607
- The taming of a shrew 1594
- Wily beguilde. 1606
- When you see mee you know mee 1605
- The woman hater 1607
- Roister Doister
- Sr GilesGooscapkt 1606
- The family of loue 1608
- The History of y° 2 maides of Moreclack 1609.
- What you will by John Marston 1607
- Northward Hoe 1607
- A trick to catch the old one 1608. by T M.
- 2d Part of Henry the 4th 1600
- Scottish history of James the 4th by Rbt Greene 1598
- Chronicle history of Hen. 5. 1600.
- 1st part of Sr John oldcastle 1600
- 1stt Part of the Chronicle between the 2 famous houses of York & Lancaster 1594.
- The history of King Leer & his 3 daughters 1605.
- 19
- The fair mayd of the Exchange 1607
- Humour out of breath 1608, by John Day
- Euery woman in her humour. 1609
- Troylus & Cresseid. 1609.
- The Case is altered Ben Johnson 1609
- Vertumnus 1607
- The Spanish Tragedy
- Romeo & Iuliet.
- The old wiues tale. 1595.
- The gentle craft. 1600.
- A warning for fair women. 1599
- The Dutch curtezan. 1606
- The fawn, by John Marston. 1606
- Eastward Hoe. 1605.
- Two angry women of Abyngton 1599.
- The millers daughter of Manchester
- Euery man out of his humour.
- Bussy de Ambois 1608.
- Selimus Emperor of the Turkes 1st part. 1594
- Byrons Consperay 1594 2 playes [manicle]
- Tragedy of Mustapha.
- 22
- 1st part of Antonio & Mellida
- Alexander & Campaspe
- Dr Dodypoll
- Blurt Mr Cunstaple
- of Pasquill & Katherine
- The Coblers prophecy
- The Conuerted Curtezan
- The Phoenix
- The 5 gallants
- The faithfull Shepherd
- The English brothers
- Michaelmas terme
- Piner of Wakefeild
- The gentleman Vsher
- Gallathea
- The Foxe
- old Fortunates
- The Comdy of Mucedorus
- No Body & Some body
- 20
- The ualiant Welshman
- Octauia
- Dauid & Bersabe
- Reign of K Ed. 3.
- The ReuengersTragedy
- The Atheists Tragedy
- Lusty Iuuentus
- Gamar Gurtons Needle
- Tyde tarrieth for no man
- Exchange ware at the 2d hand
- Hogg hth lost his pearle
- Monsieur Doliue
- Englishmen for my mony . .
- A woman will haue her Will
- The golden Age
- Comedy of King Cambyses
- The History of Clyomon
- The 4 prentises of London
- The Siluer Age
- The Brazen Age
- See Mee & see mee not
- Phylaster
- May Day
Works Cited
Dawson, Giles E. "An Early List of Elizabethan Plays". The Library s4-XV (4) (1935): 445-456.