Harington's List


As described by Furnivall, "[i]n a volume of letters, notes, extracts, accounts, &c., of Sir John Harington, the poet, who died in 1612, is a list of eleven bound volumes of plays, besides several single comedies and other dramas" (382).

The list printed by Furnivall in Notes & Queries is transcribed below.


A digitisation of Harington's list of plays is available through the Shakespeare Documented website.


British Museum Add. MS. 27,632, lf. 30

The combat of Lingua made by Thom. Tomkis of Trinity colledge in Cambridge.
A note of things sent to London the 29th of Jan. 1609.
In the model. —Doctor Androes bookes. a bundle of Comedies, ruld. Countess of Pembr. pssalms, 2 Copies. 2 bundles of old bound. 1 vnbound. Cast Candles.
Loose books. — Aiaz. Lidiat. Alminacks. Duello. Guiana. mandevil & Virginia. Arthur. Mr Toste. Booke of Survey. 2 paire of stockings. 1 shirt. 3 pairs of stockings of mr Johns. 1 shirt. guilt spurs.

Jeronimus Torrensis H. (?)

British Museum Add. MS. 27,632, lf. 41

Books to Cary down. — Mr Hall. Ball and Pynet. Bellarmin. Tortura torti. Pseudomartir. Pollycy. Religion. Lerch. Walsingham. Costea. Leycesters. greencote.

British Museum Add. MS. 27,632, lf. 43

Names of Comedyes. 13 Evry wom. In her humour.
13 A mad world my Mrs. c Cupide whirlegigg.
13 What yow will. * The weakest to wall. 2
12 The dumb Knight. Cornelia Tragedy.
.g.12 Northward hoe. 13 Alex. vi. papa. trag. 2
12 Perocles, pr. Of Tyre 13 Revengers tragedy. 2
12 Humor out of Breth. 13 Bussy D\'Amboys.
12 Law tricks, or who wold. Ferrex & Porrex quaere.
13 The case is Altred. Belynus. Brennus.
12 Thre english Brothers. Rape of Lucres. 13
12 Lingua. Puritan widdow. 13
12 Family of love. Muliasses the turk. 13
12 Yor fyve gallants. Poetaster. Ben Johnson.
12 Mustaffa tragedy. Satiromastix. Jo. Decker. 2
12 Byroun tragedy. Alexander Campaspe.
Faythful Sheppard. 5 Erl of Huntington.
Mery wyves of winsor. Sr Tho. Wyat. 13
Looke about you. 2 Glasse of government.
Ed. the 3 Grisild.
More foole. Yorkshyre tragedy.
K. Leir of Shakspear.
1 Tom. 13 pl[ays]. Moch adoe about nothing.
1 The Marchant of Venice. Queen Elis.
The London prodigall. Queen Elis. hobs tawny coat
Tryall of Chyvalrie. Wil somers will.
Everie man in his humor. Loves labor lost.
Eastward hoe. Pastor fido.
Monsieur D'Olyve. Midsomer night dream.
Henry the fourth. 1 Volpone the fox.
Henry the fourth. 2 Spanish tragedy. Romeo.
Richard ye 3d tragedie. Richard the 2.
King Leire. old. Note yt Guiana ys sorted
Locryne. wth Virginia and Maundev.
Seianus. Ben. Johnsson.
5 Tome. 13.
2 tome. xi. pl. Thre Ladyes of London.
2 All Fooles. Warning for fayr wimen.
Gentleman Vsher. Looking glasse for London.
The Queens Arcadia. Fayr mayd of Bristow.
Sr Giles Goose capp. The Lords of London.
Liberalitie & Prodigal. Stukly.
Good wife and bad. Fortunatus.
The Malcontent. Tamberlane.
Lord Cromwell. Tamberlane.
Larum for London. Edward 4.
Pasquill & Katherin. Edward 4.
Alphonso of Arragon. Arden of Feversham.
Doctor Faustus.
3 Tom. 9 pl.
Scourge of Symony retire from. 6 Tome. 13
Blurt mr Constable. Nobody.
Henry the viijt. Loves metamorph.
Everie man out of his humour. Pedlers prophecy.
Fleyre. Doctor Dodypol.
The fawn. Musidorus.
The Isle of gulls. Antonio & Melida.
Romeo and Julyet. Woman in the moon.
Sophonisba. Jeronimo. j. part.
David and Bersabe.
4 Tome. 12 [plays]. Arraignment of paris.
The taming of a shrow. Blynde begger of Alexandria.
Orlando foolioso. Antonius (?).
Solimon and Perseda.
Leaf 43 bk.:--
7 Tome. 13. Three Engl. brother.
Lusty Juventus. Lingus.
Cambyses. Famyly of love.
Henry the fift. Pistol. Yor fyve gallants.
Supposes. Mustaffa. j.
Marius and scilla. Biron. j.
Two tragedyes in one. Biroun. 2.
Jack Straw. wat tiler.
Mayds metamorpd. 12. 10 Tome.
Edward the first. Sr. Tho. wyat. Decker. g
Menechmus. Cupids whirligig. E.S. L
Selimus. j. part. Puritan wyddow. W.S. H
Cinthias revels. Revengers tragedy. I
Devils charter. Bar. Barns.
8 Tome. H
Downfal of Rob. E. Hunt. 1 Bussy d Amboys. I
Alexander Campaspe. F What you wil. Marston. H
Merry wyves winsor. W.S. Mad world. T.M. I
G Ye Rape of Lucress. Tho. heywood K
King Leyr. W. Sh. L Ye case ys altered. I
Glas of government, gaskin. n Evry woman in humour. H
Ed. the third. J
Cornelia. tra. L 11 Tome. 11.
Dutch cortesan. marston. Mother Bombee. h
H Whore of Babylon. J. d. K
Yorksh. Traged. W.S. D Caesar and Pompey. I
Pacient Grisild. L Coblers prophesy. g
Faythful shepardes. Jo. fle. Westward hoe. J. De. Web. [Decker, Webster]. I
Taming of a shrow. g
12. 9 Tome. Pinner of wakfeeld. g
The dumb Knight. Return from pernass. h
Northward hoe. Phoenix. K
Pericles. Michelmas term. I
Humor out of breth. Willy beguild. K
Law tricks.

Works Cited

Furnivall, F. J. “Sir John Harington’s Shakspeare Quartos.” Notes & Queries s-7 IX (May 1890): 382-83.

Site created and maintained by David McInnis, University of Melbourne; updated, 10 May 2018.