Category:William Barley

William Barley, a Draper, made his living instead as a printer and bookseller in London, 1591-1614, at locations including Newgate Market, Gracechurch Street, and Little St. Helens. Barley worked with Abel Jeffes on Edward I by George Peele. However, much of his business concerning plays was with Thomas Creede: for example, A Looking Glass for London and England, The True Tragedy of Richard III, Jack Straw, and The Peddler's Prophecy. In 1596, he and Creede published The m[ost] excell[ent] historie, of Euryalus and Lucresia. Trans. William Braunche. A work now lost called "Eurialus and Lucretia" was based on this narrative; it probably was not a play, yet it has on occasion been errantly linked with Shakespeare.

Pages in category "William Barley"

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