Albion Knight C4r transcription
Which parte at nede shall bere hym out | |||||
So that for my part he shall stand styll | |||||
While I ronne at large and haue all my wyll. | |||||
¶But to what conclusion wylt thoy bryng it then | Diuisiō. | ||||
¶Why knowest not thou, then harke me man | Iniuri. | ||||
This Justice is a felow of a farr cast | |||||
And dryueth such dryftes to rule all at the last | |||||
And Peace is hys brother of one degree | |||||
Which hath a fayre doughter that is called plentie | |||||
And Albion as longe as rest him treates | |||||
He loueth fayre flesh of all meates | |||||
And it is a comen saieng that Justice Peace & hee | |||||
Will conclude a maryage with fayre Dame plentie | |||||
And then wyll Albyon that olde soot | |||||
With rest and peace so on her doot | |||||
That than shee by her and her freindes | |||||
Shall sayle in storines at all wyndes. | |||||
¶By gods bread thou sayest trouth | Diusiō. | ||||
But this to help we must not use slouth. | |||||
¶No, and therfore harke me to an ende | Iniuri. | ||||
Thou and I shall thys matter defende | |||||
For thou shalt to Albyon a messenger bee | |||||
And say thou were present when principalitie | |||||
With Justyce fell at great debate | |||||
When that his message he dyd delate | |||||
From Albiō, & tel him that principalitie in no wyse | |||||
His will with equytie will graunt to exercyse | |||||
But that the law shuld be but after his lykyng | |||||
And euery wryt after his entytelyng | |||||
And that his will who euer lyst to stryfe | |||||
Shuld be the best part for hys prerogatyfe | |||||
And than they beth sadeinly uppon thys | |||||
In great rages departed iwys | |||||
Wherfore Justice said I am in such confusyon | |||||
That | |||||