Albion Knight B1r transcription

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frere. For why without confessyon or contrycyon
pardo.    Dout not but god sholde gyue you retrybucon
frere. ¶ By this shall ye haue/clene remyssyon
pardo.    But now further/it ought to be declared
frere. ¶And forgyuen of the synnes seuen
Who be thes pore folke that shold haue your reward
pardo. ¶Come to this pardon/yf ye wyll come to heuen
frere.    Who be those pore folk/of whome I speke & name
pardo. ¶Come to this pardon yf ye will be in blys
frere.    Certes we pore freres/are the same
pardo. ¶This is the pardon/which ye can not mysse
frere.    We freres dayly take payn I say
pardo. ¶ This is the pardon which shall mens soules wyn
frere.    We frears dayly/do doth fast and pray
pardo. ¶ This is the pardon/the rydder of your synne
frere.    We freres trauayle/and labour euery houre
pardo. ¶ This is the pardon/that purchaseth all grace
frere.    We freres take payn/for the loue of our sauyour
pardo. This is a pardon for all maner of trespas
frere.    We freres also go on Iywytacyon
pardo. ¶ This is ye pardō/of whiche all mercy dothe sprynge
frere.    For to preche/to euery crysten nacyon
pardo. ¶ This is for the pardon that to heuen shall ye brynge
frere.    But I say thou pardoner / thou wylt kepe sylens(
pardo. ¶ Ye it is lyke to be whan I haue done             sone)
frere.    Mary therofre the more knaue art thou I say
That parturbest/the worde of god I say
For neyther thy selfe/wylt here goddys doctryne
Ne suffre other/theyr earys to enclyne
Wherefore our sauyour in his holy scrypture
Gyueth the thy iugement/thou cursyd creature
Spekynge to the/after this maner
Maledictus qui audit verbum dei negligenteer
Wo be that man sayth our laord/that gyueth no audiens
Or heryth the worde/of god with negligens
pardo. ¶ Now thou haste spoken all syr daw
I care nat for the/an olde straw
I had leuer thou were hanged/up with a rope
Than I that am comen from the pope
And therby goddes minister/whyle thou stadest & prate
Sholde be fayn to knocke without the gate
Therfore preche hardely/thy bely full