User:Domenico Lovascio

Domenico Lovascio is Ricercatore of English Literature at Università degli Studi di Genova. He was awarded the A.I.A./Carocci Doctoral Dissertation Prize 2014 and was a Visiting Scholar at Sheffield Hallam University in 2016. In addition to the first English-Italian edition of Ben Jonson’s Catiline (Genova: ECIG, 2011) and his monograph Un nome, mille volti. Giulio Cesare nel teatro inglese della prima età moderna (Roma: Carocci, 2015) – winner in 2016 of the National Literary Award ‘Scriviamo Insieme’ and the Special Jury Prize at the National Literary Award ‘Franz Kafka Italia’ – his articles have been published in English Literary Renaissance, The Ben Jonson Journal, Renaissance Studies, Early Theatre, Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England, Early Modern Literary Studies and Notes & Queries. He has recently co-edited with Lisa Hopkins an issue of Textus. English Studies in Italy on 'The Uses of Rome in English Renaissance Drama' and is currently editing The Housholders Philosophie for a projected edition of The Collected Works of Thomas Kyd (gen. ed. Brian Vickers).