
Anon. (1581)

Historical Records

Court Records

Accounts of the Office of the Revels

The children of Pawles { A storie of Pompey enacted in the hall on twelf nighte wheron was ymploied newe one great citty, A senate howse and eight ells of dobble sarcenet for curtens and .xviij. paire of gloves.
(Feuillerat 336)

Theatrical Provenance

Performed at Whitehall Palace by the Children of Paul's on Friday 6 January 1581.

Probable Genre(s)

Classical history (Harbage).

Possible Narrative and Dramatic Sources or Analogues

<Enter any information about possible or known sources. Summarise these sources where practical/possible, or provide an excerpt from another scholar's discussion of the subject if available.>

References to the Play

<List any known or conjectured references to the lost play here.>

Critical Commentary

<Summarise any critical commentary that may have been published by scholars. Please maintain an objective tone!>

For What It's Worth

<Enter any miscellaneous points that may be relevant, but don't fit into the above categories. This is the best place for highly conjectural thoughts.>

Works Cited

<List all texts cited throughout the entry, except those staple texts whose full bibliographical details have been provided in the masterlist of Works Cited found on the sidebar menu. Use the coding below to format the list>

citation goes here

<If you haven't done so already, also add here any key words that will help categorise this play. Use the following format, repeating as necessary:>

Site created and maintained by Domenico Lovascio, University of Genoa; updated 05 July 2015.