Peaceable King, or Lord Mendall


Historical Records

From Sir Henry Herbert's office-book:

For the Princes servants of the Rede Bull — An oulde <play called the> Peacable Kinge or the lord Mendall former<ly allowed of by Sir> George Bucke & likewise by mee & because <itt was free from adition> or reformation I tooke no fee this 19th Augt. <1623>
(Bawcutt, 142)

Theatrical Provenance

Prince Charles's (I) Men, performing at the Red Bull.

Probable Genre(s)


Possible Narrative and Dramatic Sources or Analogues

None known.

References to the Play

None known.

Critical Commentary

Bentley (V, 1393) notes that Herbert’s comments restrict the play’s date of composition to 1606-22, the period of Sir George Buc’s tenure as Herbert’s predecessor. Bawcutt (45) observes that Herbert clearly believed that the players had left the play unaltered the play since its original licensing, but also that his waiving of the fee implies that he did not study it closely. Beyond these facts, Bentley concludes, "nothing is known of the subject" of the play (V, 1393).

For What It's Worth

Information welcome.

Works Cited

Site created and maintained by David Nicol, affiliation; updated 10 August 2015.