Historical Records
Payments to Playwrights (Henslowe's Diary)
F. 44 Greg, I, 83
lent vnto the company the 15 of Jenewary 1597 | } |
to bye a boocke of mr dicker called fayeton | } iiijli |
fower pownde I saye lent | } |
Payments for Apparel (Henslowe's Diary)
F. 44 Greg, I, 83
lent vnto Thomas dowton for the company | } |
to bye a sewte for phayeton & ij Rebates | } |
& j fardengalle the 26 of Jenewary 1598 the | } iijli |
some of three pownde I saye lent | } |
lent vnto Thomad dowton the 28 of Janewary | } |
1598 to bye a whitte satten dublette for | } xxxxs |
phayeton forty shyllenges I saye lent | } |
Payments for offering at court
F. 70v Greg, I, 124
Lent vnto Samwell Rowley the 14 of | } |
desembʒ 1600 to geue vnto thomas dickers | } xs |
for his paynes in fayeton some of | } |
............................... for the corte | } |
F. 71 Greg, I, 125
Lent vnto Samwell Rowley the 22 of | } |
decembʒ 1600 to geue vnto Thomas deckers | } xxxs |
for alterynge of fayton for the corte | } |
Henslowe's Inventory and Play List
The Enventary of all the aparell for my Lord Admiralles men, tacken the 10 of marche 1598. —Leaft above in the tier-house in the cheast. Greg, Henslowe Papers, 116
- Item, ij leather anteckes cottes with basses, for Fayeton.
The Enventary tacken of all the properties for my Lord Admeralles men, the 10 of Marche 1598. Greg, Henslowe Papers, 116, 117
- Item, viij lances, j payer of stayers for Fayeton. ...
- Item, j hecfor for the playe of Faeton, the limes dead. ...
- Item, j lyone skin; j beares skyne; & Faetones lymes, & Faeton charete; & Argosse heade.
The Enventorey of all the aparell of the Lord Admeralles men, taken the 13th of Marche 1598, as followeth: Greg, Henslowe Papers, 120
- Item, j Faeytone sewte.
A Note of all suche bookes as belong to the Stocke, and such as I have bought since the 3d of March 1598 Greg, Henslowe Papers, 121
- Phayeton
Theatrical Provenance
The Admiral's men had 'Phaeton' ready for the stage at the Rose by late January 1598 when they purchased a suit and doublet for the main character. They prepared it for performance at court two years later, when its playwright (Dekker) was paid to amend the script. Possibly still in performance since its 1598 debut, the play is more likely to have been in revival when Dekker prepared for performance before a royal audience. If it also played publicly in January 1600, its venue would have been the company's new playhouse, the Fortune.
Probable Genre(s)
Harbage tagged 'Phaeton' as a classical legend, which the story of Phoebus's reckless son undoubtedly was. However, Matthew Steggle argues for a more complex generic design. Linking the Phaeton story with that of Jupiter and Io (with which it is co-joined in Ovid's Metamorphosis [see below], he suspects a 'mixed-genre' text like Thomas Heywood's Ages plays. Steggle describes the effect of such mixture to combine tragedy, comedy, and bathos (72).
Possible Narrative and Dramatic Sources or Analogues
Ovid (Golding)
Steggle: Jupiter and Io
References to the Play
Information welcome.
Critical Commentary
For What It's Worth
The Foakes and Rickert edition of Henslowe's Diary (1961) tags "crown with a sone" in Henslowe's property list dated 10 March 1598 as possibly being an item used in Phaeton (2002 ed, 321). Greg did not similarly tag it.
Works Cited
Site created and maintained by Roslyn L. Knutson, Professor Emerita, University of Arkansas at Little Rock; updated 22 March 2018.