Historical Records
On 19 June 1594, the following entry was made in the Stationers' Register: "an other enterlude of the lyfe and deathe of Heliogabilus." John Danter paid the fee to enter the play.
Theatrical Provenance
Information welcome.
Probable Genre(s)
Classical Tragedy
Possible Narrative and Dramatic Sources or Analogues
Heliogabalus, born Varius Avitus Bassianus, c. 203 CE, was well known in the works of Roman historians and Elizabethan moralists for his imperial reign of terror, 218-222 CE, and his debauchery. He acquired the name, Elagabalus, for his worship of the Syrian sun god of that name, whose worship he promoted over that of Jupiter when he became emperor. He was killed by his own Praetorian Guard, who dragged his body through the streets and threw it in the Tiber River.
Selected Roman Sources
- Herodian (c. 170-240 CE), "History of the Roman Empire Since Marcus Aurelius" www.livius.org
Herodian emphasizes the actions by Heliogabalus to supplant the worship of traditional Roman gods with that of the Syrian sun god, Elabagalus. He had himself been raised as a priest of this god, and Herodian implies that some of Heliogabalus's dress and behavior stemmed from perverse religious rites. For example, he wore only silk, in robes of an effeminate style, with necklaces and baubles. His dress was so unRoman that he had a large picture of himself dressed in his favorite garb set up in the Senate House so that officials would become familiar with his looks. In addition to dancing in the streets "for everyone to see" (V.8.1), Heliogabalus staged lavish spectacles with animal sacrifice, bowls of wine, and gifts tossed wantonly to the crowds, who then trampled one another. Heliogabalus married three times himself, and married his god to Urania (moon goddess). In one favorite festival, Heliogabalus rigged a chariot with "a team of six large, pure white horses" (V.6.7); a statue of the god was in the chariot, looking as if he held the reins. However, Heliogabalus ran backwards in front of the chariot with the actual reins in his hands. The streets were strewn with sand laced with gold so that he had better purchase as he ran, and his bodyguard "fupported him on either side to make sure he was safe (V.6.8). </Blaockquote>
Herodian's secondary focus is Heliogabalus's promotion of underlings to positions of power.
- Cassius Dio (c . 155-229 CE), Roman History www.livius.org
- Historia Augusta www.livius.org
Selected Sixteenth-Century English Commentators
- Thomas Elyot
- George Whetstone
- Richard Rainolde
- Richard Robinson
References to the Play
Robert Greene, in the preface to Peremedies the Blacke-Smith (1588), complains about "two Gentlemen Poets, made two mad men of Rome beate it out of their paper bucklers: & [who] had it in derision, for that I could not make my verses iet vpon the stage in tragicall buskins, euerie worde filling the mouth like the faburden of Bo-Bell, daring God out of heauen with that Atheist Tamburlan, or blaspheming with the mad preest of the sonne .... " (A3).
Critical Commentary
E. K. Chambers W. W. Greg Charles Nichol Tom Rutter Greene scholars?? Knutson, "Naming of Parts"
For What It's Worth
- Source material:
In the Roman History of Cassius Dio, Heliogabalus is called "Sardanapalus," confusing him thus with a semi-fictional king of Assyria. Gutenberg In sixteenth-century commentators, the mythical king (Sardanapalus) and the historical emperor (Heliogabalus) are more frequently cited as similarly debauched.
- Contemporary circumstances:
Earlier on the same day of 19 June 1594 that he entered "Heliogabalus," John Danter entered the play of "Godfrey of Boulogne," with the following phrasing: “an enterlude entituled Godfrey of Bulloigne wth the Conquest of Ierusalem.” One week after the entry in stationers records (19 July), the Admiral's men introduced "Godfrey of Boulogne, Part 2", marked "ne"; a play consistently designated "Godfrey of Boulogne" without a mark of "ne" was introduced a week later (26 July). The coincidence of Danter's having "Godfrey of Boulogne" and "Heliogabalus" on 19 June 1594 allows the possibility that he acquired the two plays from the same source. The fact that "Godfrey of Boulogne" was not marked "ne" suggests that Danter's source was a playing company, but which one that might have been is unknown.
Works Cited
Site created and maintained by Roslyn L. Knutson, Professor Emerita, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 11 February 2011.