Tasso's Melancholy
Historical records
Performance Records (Henslowe's Diary)
F. 9v (Greg I. 18)
ye 11 of aguste 1594 ne…. Res at tassoes mellencoley ………. iijll iiijs ye 18 of aguste 1594 ………. Res at tassoes mallencoley ………. xxxxvijs
F. 10 (Greg I. 19)
ye 3 of septembȝ 1594 ………. Res at Tasso ………. xxxxvjs ye 18 of septembȝ 1594 ………. Res at tasso ………. xxvijs vjd ye 8 of octobȝ 1594 ………. Res at tasso ………. xxvijs
F. 10v (Greg I. 20)
ye 23 of octobȝ 1594 ………. Res at tasso ………. xxiijs ye 12 of novembȝ 1594 ………. Res at tasso ………. xxvs ye 3 of desembȝ 1594 ………. Res at tasso ………. vjs
F. 11 (Greg I. 21)
ye 11 of Jenewary 159[4]5 ………. Res at tasso ………. xxs ye 21 of Jenewary 1595 ………. Res at tasso ………. xxxvjs ye 15 of febreary 1595 ………. Res at tasso ………. xixs
F. 11v (Greg I. 22)
ye 14 of maye 1595 ………. Res at tasso ………. xxs
Henslowe Papers
Greg, Papers (Appx. I, art. 1, p. 117. l. 75)
Under the heading “The Enventary tacken of all the properties for my Lord Admeralles men, the 10 of Marche 1598”:
- Item, ... Tasso picter ...
Under the heading “The Enventorey of all the aparell of the Lord Admeralles men, taken the 13 of Marche 1598, as followeth”:
- Item, Tasoes robe.
Payments to Playwrights (Henslowe’s Diary)
F. 96 (Greg I.153)
Lent vnto Thomas deckers at the a } poyntment of the company the 16 of } Janewary 1601 toward the alterynge of } xxs tasso the some of ..... }
F. 108 (Greg I.171)
Lent vnto my sone E Alleyn the 3 of novembȝ 1602 } to geue vnto thomas deckers for mendinge of the } xxxxs playe of tasso the some of ..... }
F. 108v (Greg I.172)
Lent vnto wm birde the 4 of desembȝ 1602 } to paye vnto thomas deckers in pt of pay } xxs ment for tasso the some of ..... }