Talk:Resolute Queen
Possible Narrative and Dramatic Sources or Analogues
It looks like some newly transcribed texts on EEBO-TCP yield a couple of hits for "Resolute Queen," although both of them postdate Herbert's entry. In Mathias Prideaux's An Easy and Compendious Introduction for Reading All Sorts of Histories (Oxford, 1648), we find a reference to "Voadicia that resolute Queene" (sig. 2Nv)—that is, Boudicca (e.g. in Holinshed's spelling of her name). A more amusing appearance occurs in a broadside ballad titled The Re-Resurrection of the Rump" (Wing R1124), presumably dated 1659 based on the recall of the dissolved Rump Parliament in May of that year. One of the ballad's stanzas goes: "A Rump had Jane Shore, and a Rump Messaleen, / And a Rump had Antonyes resolute Queen; / But such a Rump as ours is, never was seen, / which no body can deny." (It appears that the ballad was liked well enough to be anthologized in a few collections of topical verse.)