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Thomas Dekker (1598)

Historical Records

Payments to Playwrights (Henslowe's Diary)

F. 44 Greg, I, 83

lent vnto the company the 15 of Jenewary 1597 }
to bye a boocke of mr dicker called fayeton } iiijli
fower pownde I saye lent }

Payments for Apparel (Henslowe's Diary)

F. 44 Greg, I, 83

lent vnto Thomas dowton for the company }
to bye a sewte for phayeton & ij Rebates }
& j fardengalle the 26 of Jenewary 1598 the } iijli
some of three pownde I saye lent }

lent vnto Thomad dowton the 28 of Janewary }
1598 to bye a whitte satten dublette for } xxxxs
phayeton forty shyllenges I saye lent }

Payments for offering at court

F. 70v Greg, I, 124

Lent vnto Samwell Rowley the 14 of }
desember 1600 to geue vnto thomas dickers } xs
for his paynes in fayeton some of }
............................... for the corte }

F. 71 Greg, I, 125

Lent vnto Samwell Rowley the 22 of }
december 1600 to geue vnto Thomas deckers } xxxs
for alterynge of fayton for the corte }

Theatrical Provenance

Probable Genre(s)

Possible Narrative and Dramatic Sources or Analogues

References to the Play

Information welcome.

Critical Commentary

For What It's Worth

Works Cited

Steggle, Matthew, "Philip Henslowe's Artificial Cow," MaRDiE 30 (2017):319-75

Site created and maintained by Roslyn L. Knutson, Professor Emerita, University of Arkansas at Little Rock; updated 22 March 2018.