Folger MS X.d.390, fol.1b


119557 Xd390 1v.jpg
Folger X.d.390, fol.1b. (CC BY-SA 4.0 licence; click image to view larger version).

(The following transcription is based on G. R. Proudfoot's in his Malone Society edition of "Five Dramatic Fragments," 62-64)

[< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >] . . . 3

. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prosecution of
. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the Inuitation

Tim[.] Insooth yor loue & company more deere
Wee estimate then glutting belly cheere
Eus. And well rememberd, further I request
that euery man would bring wth him a ffreind
the mo<re>, the Merryer and then mirth is best.
yet may excesse or <bi>tternes offend
ending in enmitie and humours wyld
all wch from vs be euer far exilde.
Tim. Amen. Eus. But being foure, wthout excuses
bring foure & make the number of the Muses.
Tim. nay that must lye in you. Eus. But one thing more
(at wch I hope, not any will repine)
see that of sawce you bring sufficient store
Ile fynd you onely meate wth bread & wyne
Tim. What sorts of sawce, I pray you should wee bring!
peppar! or sugar? or what other thing?
Eus. O you are wyde; no seasoning stuffe is meete
but such a sawce as better doth disgest
being more proffitable & more sweet, . . . . . . . . . . . . [Description of]
for euery kynd of meat still seruing best . . . . . . . . the best sawce
requiring no incumbrance nor expence
but moderate walking & due abstinence.
Tim. By this description, Hunger you implye.
Eus. yea thats the sawce I wish you to prepare
cheifly in case where inuitations tye
yor stomachs, as myne doth to homely fare
least by yor feeding in too sparing wise
yor Host conceiue his vyands you despize.
Tim. To gloz<i>ng Parasites & Epicures
that reckon Gurmundizing highest blisse
or those whome vitling specially allures
this yor aduise (I graunt) were not amisse.
But he in basenes doth exceed a Beast
who more then freindship doth respect a ffeast.
Eus. yet Amitie wth Acts of Hospitalitie
fitly accords in euery generous Host
As wealth wth honor, howbeit ffrugaliti<e>
ought allwayes to be Ruler of the Rost
But breifly none more <kindly> sh<all> receiue <y>ou
how ere yor dyet proue, & so I <l>eaue you. /