Galfrido and Bernardo

Anon. (falsely attributed to 1593)

NB This record is a hoax. It is listed here simply to document that it is indeed inauthentic.

Historical Records

An interpolated entry in the manuscript of Henslowe's Diary for 1593:

18 of maye 1595… Rd at galfrido & Bernardo… xxxis. (Foakes ed., Diary, 28.)

The entry was not reported by Malone, first appearing in print in J. P. Collier's edition of the Diary. It was recognized as Collier's own forgery as early as Fleay, and is categorized as such by the subsequent editors of the Diary, Greg and Foakes.

Theatrical Provenance


Probable Genre(s)


Possible Narrative and Dramatic Sources or Analogues

Collier clearly intended it to look like an adaptation of the 1570 poem Galfrido and Bernardo, discussed by Mike Pincombe here

References to the Play


Critical Commentary

This forgery was caught fairly early on, but it had already made it into some reference works besides Collier's own edition - for instance, J. O. Halliwell-Phillips's Dictionary of Old English Plays (1860), 105-6.

As late as 1904 it was still causing W. W. Greg needless suspicion about the genuineness of the 1570 poem itself (Greg ed., Diary, 2.36-7).

For What It's Worth

It's not.

Works Cited

Site created and maintained by Matthew Steggle, Sheffield Hallam University; updated 18 May 2015.