Queen of Ethiopia, The?

Anon. (1578)

Historical Records

Theatrical Provenance

Howard's at Bristol.

Probable Genre(s)


Possible Narrative and Dramatic Sources or Analogues

Heliodorus of Emesa, An Aethiopian History, translated by Thomas Underdowne and reprinted in 1577.

References to the Play

Stephen Gosson in 1582 lists the Aethiopian History, the probable source text for this play, as one of the books "ransackt to furnish the Play houses in London" (D6v).

Critical Commentary

<Summarise any critical commentary that may have been published by scholars. Please maintain an objective tone!>

For What It's Worth

<Enter any miscellaneous points that may be relevant, but don't fit into the above categories. This is the best place for highly conjectural thoughts.>

Works Cited

Heliodorus, of Emesa. An Aethiopian History. trans. Thomas Underdowne. London: Frauncis Coldocke, 1577. Gosson, Stephen. Plays Confuted in Five Actions. London: Thomas Gossson, 1582.

Site created and maintained by Thomas Dabbs, Aoyama Gakuin University; updated 23 December 2012.