Enterlude of detraction, light judgment, verity, and justice

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Anon. (c.1550)

Historical Records

Print fragment

Five fragments from 2 leaves (E1 and E3) survive at the Huntington Library:

Anon., [Enterlude of detraction, light judgment, verity, and justice], [London : S.n., ca. 1550], RB 131401:11 (fragment).

(Reproduced by permission of the Huntington Library, San Marino, California.)

The ordering of the fragments below follows Katharine Pantzer's conjectural reconstruction (typescript and MS notes accompanying the fragments at the Huntington, made in October 1973):

sig.E1r sig.E1v
RB131401 11 fragment 3r thumb.jpg RB131401 11 fragment 3v thumb.jpg
RB131401 11 fragment 1v thumb.jpg RB131401 11 fragment 1r thumb.jpg
RB131401 11 fragment 5r thumb.jpg RB131401 11 fragment 5v thumb.jpg

sig.E3r sig.E3v
RB131401 11 fragment 2r thumb.jpg RB131401 11 fragment 2v thumb.jpg
RB131401 11 fragment 4r thumb.jpg RB131401 11 fragment 4v thumb.jpg


Theatrical Provenance


Probable Genre(s)

Moral (Wiggins).

Possible Narrative and Dramatic Sources or Analogues

<Enter any information about possible or known sources. Summarise these sources where practical/possible, or provide an excerpt from another scholar's discussion of the subject if available.>

References to the Play

<List any known or conjectured references to the lost play here.>

Critical Commentary

See Wiggins 208.

For What It's Worth

<Enter any miscellaneous points that may be relevant, but don't fit into the above categories. This is the best place for highly conjectural thoughts.>

Works Cited

Anon., [Enterlude of detraction, light judgment, verity, and justice], [London : S.n., ca. 1550], RB 131401:11 (fragment).

Site created and maintained by David McInnis, University of Melbourne; updated 05 Feb 2016.